Contemporary Romance Chose Me

I originally started writing time travel historicals. At about that same time, I started reading authors like Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Nora Roberts and Sandra Brown.
Suddenly, contemporary romance chose me.
The stories that speak to me have deep emotional issues beyond the romance. I love writing stories that are more than just about falling in love, but also secondary stories about building stronger relationships with family and friends.
In my first book, Only for You, my hero and his father have been estranged for nine years, and the hero returns home when he learns his father is seriously ill. So alongside the romance is a story about a father and son rebuilding their relationship.
With my second book, Falling for You…Again, I took on the challenge of a couple surviving the death of a child. The book opens two years after their daughter died in a boat accident, and their marriage is hanging by a thread. I wanted to show that couples can survive a tragedy and embrace each other and life again.
My current work in progress, Leave Me Breathless, deals with domestic violence. Even with as heavy a topic as this one, there is a lot of fun and laughs, and I think really lovable, memorable characters.
With every book, I strive to give my readers a few tears, some laughs, romance and an ending that warms the heart.